Please do kindly consider our request and you could become a part of our Ministry by extending your kind and compassionate helping hands and can bring a greater change in the lives of these deserted and discarded body of Christ.

Your love and your prayers surly brings grater blessigns in thier lives and you could be a mother and a father to one child atleast for one day by giving your one meal for that kid which shall surely bless him or her and we shall be ever and ever grateful to you.

Inreturn for your love and support, you shall receive letters and pictures from our little children who shall shower all their love upon you and they shall be evry lucky to have a family in Christ.

Kindly contact us and be a blessing to the children and the widows in Christ;

Pastor P. John Victor and Ms. Hepshiba Victor

Mother Angel Orphan, Widowed Home


Atreyapuram Mandal

E. G. Dist., A. P. S. INDIA




Phone:- 91-9849750324 , 91-8855-282948 .